“You have shit on your feet, you have shit on your feet!” - Such a Larifari introduction to a serious matter: In the last few days we've received two band cancellations that, as far as we can tell, don't sound good at all. Unfortunately, both THE GENERATORS and THE FREEZE have to cancel their planned summer tours for health reasons. There's even been a for Cliff Hanger by The Freeze »GoFundMe Fundraising campaign set up. From our side All the best and hopefully a speedy recovery!
At the same time, the request from GUM BLEED from China fluttered onto our desk, and - here we go - Punx Save The Human Race! Old school Nietenkaiser punk from the so-called Middle Kingdom, a perfect Tinder match between our regular audience and the band! So: GENERATORS & FREEZE are unfortunately out (shit), GUM BLEED are new (cool!)!

           Auf THE MEFFS freuen wir uns ganz besonders! Die machen gerade richtig Furore und sind aktuell mit BUSTER SHUFFLE unterwegs. Im Sommer geht es dann auf wesentlich grössere Bühnen. Kurz vor Tourstart haben wir Sängerin Lily für unseren kleinen Fragenblock erwischt:
1) Eure Tour- und Festivalplanung sieht absolut krank aus: Ihr spielt auf den NOFX-Abschiedsshows, seid auf dem REBELLION in Blackpool, im Vorprogramm bei ALICE COOPER und als Kirsche auf der Torte auf unserem BACK TO FUTURE! Was soll denn danach noch kommen? Die Rentenpläne sind geschmiedet: Villa in Spanien und dort natürlich jeden Tag volles Brett englisches Frühstück! Im Ernst: Wir sind so gespannt auf die ganzen Sachen die du aufgezählt hast. Es war ein harter Weg und eine Menge Spass um hierhin zu kommen. Schon 2023 so etwas wie das DOWNLOAD Festival zu spielen war komplett irre - und jetzt gehts plötzlich Schritt für Schritt so weiter! Leben auf Tour!
2) Apropos Tour: Was ist der wichtigste Punkt auf eurem Rider und womit kann man euch unterwegs eine Freude machen? Supermodels und Zuckerwatte!
3) Wenn ihr einen Blick auf den aktuellen Festivalflyer werft, gibts da paar Bands auf die ihr euch freut? Ich habe noch nie THE SELECTER gesehen, die sind ganz oben auf meiner Liste. BOOZE & GLORY! "THIS IS NOT A FASHION IT'S A WAY OF LIFE".
CHUBBY AND THE GANG (The Chisel are great) und BAD NERVES (die kommen aus unserer Gegend). Das Line Up ist Spitze!

           Horrorpunk time on the Back To Future! Horror, fake blood, skulls: No current band - apart from the gods of the genre MISFITS and THE DAMNED - manages the balancing act of mummery and pure punk rock as well as BLITZKID from West Virginia. A word with singer and bassist Argyle Goolsby:
1) It finally works with BLITZKID at Back To Future! We are happy! And you? Is there actually a band from the rest of the line up that you are looking forward to? We are very pleased that you have brought us out of the crypt for your party! We're excited to see a few bands and will definitely check out as many as we can - if there's enough time left for our make-up! #horrorpunkproblems
2) Argyle, let me ask you a little pointed question: What is the most accurate and which is the least applicable “horror” cliché to you? Hm... What's this... I own more coffins than furniture. I have a black cat. And, oh! – I'm the vice president of a really great horror wax museum called Witch's Dungeon. What doesn't apply at all? I like dub reggae and Motown. Also, I don't have a single Misfits tattoo. Not one!
3) We will of course make every effort to give you a slot long after the sun has set. But what if not? How do you conjure up a perfect horror punk show on stage when the sun is shining and it's daylight? SPF 666! Watch your necks, Back to Future. We are hungry!

       Did you get through the short week well? Has everyone put out their summer dresses and trained their beer garden arm? Yes? Only 3 full months and a few crushed days until we put the stage on the field - Let's start the weekend with a few questions for Laura from the Leipzig new discovery THE RUNNINGS!
1) Laura, That happened quickly: the very first concert ever took place in January and now in no time at all on the “big festival stages of the world”! Is our "outdoor pool stage" put together what you imagined it to be? I was actually pretty excited when the inquiry about whether we wanted to play at the BTF this year suddenly came in in January: that was it absolutely not to be expected! And hello?! The outdoor pool stage is legendary! So go there!
2) Keyword: outdoor pool. How do you save the performance if the very unlikely event occurs and it rains during your performance?Totally freak out, cancel the show, sue the BTF and go home. Haha just kidding. I spontaneously think of this hit from the wild 70s: "Barefoot in the rain we dance as a couple and we dance and dance and dance."
3) Oh come on, it's not happening anyway! Of course the weather will be bomb! What makes a festival visit perfect from your point of view? A relaxed, good mood and respectful togetherness in front of and behind the stage. And yes, of course, good weather without rain and not too hot would also be perfect .
4) Our obligatory final question: Which bands are you most looking forward to when you look at the finished festival flyer? Huiii, actually each of us is different These include Bad Nerves, Chubby and the Gang, Berlin Blackouts, The Pissed Ones, Turbostaat, The Briefs and many more!

         Easter, nice weather and we are switching to summer time. The countdown is running! Perfect time to annoy Sunnyboy Kevin from TURBO A.C.'s with our little question/answer game! Have fun with it!
1) Hi Kevin! Surprise! We have a reason to celebrate, the TURBO A.C.'s and we have 20 years! You played with us for the first time exactly 20 years ago! Let’s Go party planning: We’ll bring the shots and the cake, what do you put on the table? PIZZA! Haha, maybe some of you know that I emigrated to Puerto Rico some time ago to open a small NY style pizza shop called “Revolution” on the beach. People also like to call me the “Iron Chef” because I can conjure up the perfect “after-party” menu using all sorts of ingredients. We even turned it into the “Punk Rock Kitchen On Tour” show. But maybe there are also cucumbers and vodka... but that's a completely different story...
2) As a Puerto Rican by choice, you are used to the heat. Our festival usually takes place in the hottest weeks of the year for us Central Europeans. So we need some tips from the pros! Never too hot for me, I love it. Always remember: “Stay Hydrated”. There are electrolytes in beer, aren't there?
3) "Being Cool Is A Fulltime Job" - I confess, the TURBO A.C.'s were and are a prototype of the "cool" ones for me Punk rock band”. And I have a theory: There aren't many people who look cool in shorts (except maybe Lemmy). Am I right? Have we ever seen Kevin Cole in shorts? Levi’s & a t-shirt – That’s just my style. But to your question: I think everyone has seen me strutting around in my underwear at some point.
4) Are there any bands that you are particularly excited about when you look at the festival flyer and that you Maybe you'll even watch it? We're really looking forward to THE BRIEFS and THE VENUSSHELLS. Great bands and good friends we've known for ages, this will be a fun reunion! show less

       Band number 4 in the short Back To Future cross-examination are the sweet tooths BERLIN BLACKOUTS, Katja confidently shot the answers out of the gun:
1) You have to admit a "BERLIN BLACKOUT", that sounds like it a nasty cocktail full of liquor. You're its bartender: what comes in? What is actually the best summer drink? The Berlin Blackout is a simple highball; effective, lively, a classic. Composed of: Beer lovers, people who don't want to miss the summer and therefore enjoy it sober. Et voilà: Jever Fun with shots, without ice. The best summer drink.
2) Horror scenario: One of the bands in the line-up is canceled at short notice: Which songs from which band(s) could you listen to the quickest? Definitely sick of vomiting! Our drummer loves this band and has a knack for their songs.
3) BERLIN BLACKOUTS: Team "watch bands" or "team chill in the outdoor pool"? Team watch bands, are too lazy to chill.
4) Worst shaking rhyme on "Glaubitz"? A shaking rhyme as dirty as punk rock and the worst one I can think of right now. Anyone who can shake a rhyme for “Glaubitz” will shake the appearance that he is blue.

         What a week for BOOZE & GLORY! First they play sold out concerts in Berlin, Essen, Hamburg and probably also today in Magdeburg and tomorrow in Chemnitz, yesterday WEST HAM UNITED moved furiously into the next round of the European Cup and as an absolute highlight the band will also have a BACK TO FUTURE- Poster caught! Nice! We wish you all and of course the band a successful weekend - it starts in 132 days!
After renewed consultation, we have decided to withdraw this year's restrictions regarding your kids' festival attendance. We definitely don't want to question your abilities as a parent. You are the best judge of what is good for your little loved ones. However, we would like to remind you again that as parents you have the right to bring your children with you, but also the duty of supervision and care.
We would like to apologize for this paternalism, our concern was solely with the kids. That specifically means:
- The age limit of 4 years has been lifted again, you can bring your kids of any age with you
- The time limit of 8:00 p.m. for the festival site will also be cancelled. Your minis can stay as long as you think is right.

         The third band that received our three questions about BACK TO FUTURE is - surprise - DRITTE WAHL. Number 5 in the charts, the current album “Urlaub in der Bredouille” was quite a hit. Singer Gunnar himself was so nice and radioed the following answers from the coast:
1) Gunnar, in 1998 the BACK TO FUTURE - back then under the name "UNITY IS A WEAPON" - took place for the very first time in Glaubitz. Included are OXYMORON, TROOPERS, THE BUSINESS and, well, who else? That's right, DRITTE WAHL. Do you still have any memories of that time in deep Saxony?
To be honest, I can only vaguely remember it. We traveled a lot in Saxony and Thuringia back then, so for us it wasn't deepest Saxony but rather “completely normal” Saxony. But it couldn't have been shit because we came back. ;-)
2) A lot has happened since 1998, even since your last intermezzo here (2018) a lot has happened in the DRITTE WAHL camp. Your current record went through the roof, or is going through the roof, you're now filling pretty big halls and the slots at the "bigger" festivals are becoming more and more attractive. What does such a return to our comparatively small stage mean to you?
We are happy and happy that we can/are allowed to do both, big stages at big festivals and then also the smaller, more familiar open airs. Both have their charm and we don't want to miss either. At Back To Future we know a lot of people behind the stage and in the audience and so it will most likely end in a wet/happy get-together again this year. Very nice!!!
3) Are there any bands on the line-up that you are looking forward to seeing or are you completely concentrating on your own performance? If so, which bands are they?
Unfortunately, I don't know yet which band is playing on which day, but I would really like to see the Undertones, Blitzkid (I just saw them in Osnabrück), The Briefs, Turbostaat, 7Seconds. But I'll also take a look at 100 Kilo Herz, Kotzreiz, Pisse, Generators and a few others when they play on our day. We then prepare our own performance an hour in advance with the renovations etc. We're looking forward to summer, loud music and drinks outside!

Abracadabra, 1x Black Tomcat
Brand new to our promo team: Picco! He's responsible for cuddling flyers, purring along to our Spotify playlist and generally being sweet. Apparently the entire internet world loves "cat content", but a little old school advertising is necessary: like every year, we would be happy if you supported us a little. Do you go to a concert every other weekend? The barren wall of your local pub could use a bit of pink and yellow touch? Is laying out flyers your secret passion anyway? Do you like receiving mail? Get in touch by email (info@back-to-future.com) and we will send you a small (or a large if desired) promo package with posters and flyers.
We share the back with our friends from THIS IS SKA Festival. Traditionally, this takes place a few weeks before the BACK TO FUTURE at the Wasserburg Rosslau. Super nice atmosphere, nice people, fine music. Thumbs up!
We thank you in advance. Without you we are nothing. Only 4 months, 2 weeks and 2 days left. And then there could be a hangover. Just different...